Friday, August 23, 2013

Another Music Blog... Who'da thunk?

I'm a simple folk singer sometimes songwriter and just looking for a little recognition. Not so much. I am a folksinger and songwriter, but I still haven't got my fifteen minutes of fame, I'm still kinda lookin' for my groove. I started this blog, Fiddlestix, many years ago when I was toying with the idea of becoming a Luthier. I had a violin, i.e. fiddle, torn into a thousand pieces trying to fix it, so I named it fiddlestix and started this blog to document it's progress. It has been a while, the top still needs to be glued on, the sound-post set, and refinished. It's still here someplace, and one day I will find it. I have been planning on writing a music blog to document progress or not, new songs written, cover songs, etc. I have a YouTube channel with most of my stuff and I have been playing with the idea of organizing it and creating a new channel for my original material. This blog will cover that, it will also cover anything relating to music, as in, new bands or singers, favorite songs new and old my stuff, your stuff, whatever, just so long as it is related to music.

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